Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dedicated to Living as His

"For in him we live and move and have our being." As some of
own poets have said, "We are his offspring."
Acts 17:28

I became a Christian when I was in the second grade. Almost thirteen years ago. I remember sitting in my dads, what felt to be enormous, office chair. My mom and dad kneeling to my eye level, leading me in a pint-sized salvation prayer. I was overjoyed, as were they. So excited to be apart of God's family, that the next day for show and tell, I told my class what I had done the night before and invited them all to my baptism. Looking back on that innocence, how easy it was and how proud I was to stand up in front of my whole class just sharing about God's love for them and I. 

Since then I've gone through valleys, broken places and disappointments, but was forever changed that night sitting in my dad's office chair. I've spent years, especially this past one, growing into that change, experience the power of that change, and learning to live by the power of the change maker, Jesus Christ. 

One of my favorite verses:
"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture."
-Psalm 100:1-3

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit,
who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not 
your own; you were bought at a price, Therefore honor God with your body."
-1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Webster's defines temple as a place or house of worship, a place dedicated for a special purpose. Our body is a temple where the Holy Spirit dwells. If I took took this temple truth seriously, would I be different?
  • How would I live?
  • How would I speak to myself? 
  • How would I think of myself?
  • Would I abuse or neglect myself?
  • Would I stand in awe of God more often if I realized he was in me and work through me?
The most important thing to God is that we live in truth of who we are in him. It's hard, because we live in a society where woman are more prone to look negatively at themselves. I have struggled with my weight and appearance on multiple occasions, not as much anymore. It is hard and its a daily struggle, but I've learned to let go and let God. Through that, he showed me the true beauty inside me. I have taken my focus off myself and and appearance while doing that, it knocked down those walls and insecurities, allowing God work through me.

I challenge you to recognize what Scripture says about your life. You are meant to live a life set apart. Ask God to make these truths real to you today: 
  1. That you are new.
  2. You are in Christ
  3. You are his temple. 
  4. You do not belong to yourself, but to God.
  5. You are his ambassador, you represent and are light in this dark world.
  6. That he is working in you and desires to work through you. 
Right these on an index card and read them or put it it where you will see daily. I put mine in my wallet :) Remember and believe that YOU are a Representative of Christ in this world, and that he desires to work threw you. 

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